Sumena Owen / © Cultural trip

Meeting a French person is the perfect way to hone your language skills and get to know the country, but it has specific rules if you want it to work.

Don't be surprised how quickly the French say they are in a relationship or in love

It's very common for the French to refer to you as a girlfriend or boyfriend when you're only on a date or two. That's not to say what it means in other cultures that you are locked up. They can give up the nickname just as easily. They can also tell they like you very quickly, which means they think you are awesome, rather than wanting to spend the rest of their life with you. And the language is great for that too. " I love you"Means that I love you, but"I love you carefully»Means that I like you a little. So if you find yourself saying it too soon and are faced with a shocked look, quickly add the " carefully"And everything will go just fine. Also expect public displays of affection (PDA).

Sumena Owen / © Cultural trip

Expect them to stay in touch with their exes

French (and often older) Millennials generally don't have a problem keeping in touch with their exes. Whether on Facebook or other social networks, exes are not hidden. The French tend to be very direct about past relationships (they are "past" for a reason, right?). You can expect to meet them when you are away, talk on the phone, or maybe even become friends with them.

Lose your inhibitions in the bedroom

French women have a reputation for protecting themselves from being sexually liberal and not at all tense. Blogger Amanda Cox, dit that "sex is a kind of national sport for the French".

Sumena Owen / © Cultural trip

Expect interesting language barriers

English may be the world's first spoken language (after Mandarin), but that doesn't mean all French people will be perfect. There will always be communication issues, partly because of the words / tenses and partly because things are just communicated differently. Having said that, it is the most fun to learn the particularities of the French through how and what they choose to communicate. You'll also love teaching yourself wonderful words and phrases, such as "doubtful" and "Oh damn(Literally, "it's a cow" but it means "oh my god").

Don't overdo the makeup but dress to impress

The French, in general, have a very clear idea of ​​their sense of style (this is one reason why style stereotypes tend to be true). Expect them to get more involved in your dress sense and shopping (you could drag them around the stores, looking for clothes for you). He is definitely more likely to comment on outfits and have an opinion. On the other hand, men tend not to go for a face with too much makeup (preferring nude looks) and understated glamor.

Sumena Owen / © Cultural trip

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