So, the question has been on my mind for a long time, because a boy, whom I know quite well, has been asking me about nudes every day for about a month. He's not forcing me or anything, he's just asking...

And then I just wondered if the nudes were bad. A lot of people and stars are doing it, and then it became public...
Sending my nudes is not a bad thing in itself, in my opinion if you want to trust the person and it's on the internet etc.
Also, I think the danger of not showing your face in the first place isn't that great, is it? Because, even if they are projected, nobody knows that the nudes are yours, since mine can't see your face... or how do you see that?

I'm NOT planning on sending her any nudes because I'm just not comfortable with the idea.

Yet how do you see this?
Are nudes ok and do you/have you sent any? If you don't recognize the face, then it's bad if it goes public (especially if you don't even know the person privately?) Actually, no, no? And what can I say to this boy, he's getting really annoyed...

Thanks for the answers and please only the serious ones: /

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