Nora, a sublime baccalaureate, gets a good note in terms of sex!
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Nora, a sublime baccalaureate, gets a good note in terms of sex!

Here is Nora, a beautiful brunette bachelor who shows us her skills in the stake! This sublime female dog called her friend for a private and very hot interview. To pass the time, our charming lovebirds are going to organize an ultra hot happy hour where our beautiful ingénue will show us her body and…

Jenny, undisciplined baccalaureate, plays on her charms to avoid the disciplinary council!
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Jenny, undisciplined baccalaureate, plays on her charms to avoid the disciplinary council!

Jenny est une élève très indisciplinée qui se retrouve régulièrement convoquée par le directeur. Malgré le fait qu’elle baise avec lui, cette fois-ci, le conseil de discipline lui pend au nez… La blackette très insolente va encore jouer de ses charmes pour sauver sa peau! Et une bonne pipe après, elle se retrouve prise sur…

A nympho bachelor does not wait for the results to celebrate!
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A nympho bachelor does not wait for the results to celebrate!

Messalina est une charmante blondinette qui ne se promène jamais sans son sac de capotes! Avec ses petites couettes et son mini-short, elle est tellement excitante que son copain va vite lui proposer de passer à l’acte! Et comme la cochonne est très ouverte, elle va même accepter la queue d’un autre copain et leur…

A bachelor is having her anus removed by her private teacher!
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A bachelor is having her anus removed by her private teacher!

Melissa is a terribly sexy young high school graduate but not really gifted for intellectual activities! In her super hot uniform, plaid mini-skirt, tie and push-up bustier, she must be wreaking havoc in her chest! But her young private teacher is not yet very sensitive to the young woman's charms! Thanks to its potential…

A baccalaureate passes to practical work on the tiling of the living room!
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A baccalaureate passes to practical work on the tiling of the living room!

Sindy, a super sexy high school graduate, revises maths with a good friend. The beautiful blonde is wearing a super hot outfit and this hasn't escaped her boyfriend's attention! Maths will quickly fall by the wayside because Sindy prefers practical work to theory! With a good cock in her pussy, the slut will…

A wanton bachelor wants a good blow of cock to motivate herself.
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A wanton bachelor wants a good blow of cock to motivate herself.

Mordicia is stranded due to revision when a friend from her class arrives to give her a hand. The atmosphere begins to get hot between them and by dint of watching and talking about ass, Mordicia will find herself with a cock in her mouth and much more.

Tania, good brunette bachelor gets her ass dilated!
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Tania, good brunette bachelor gets her ass dilated!

Tania, a good high school graduate, desperately tries to revise her lessons. As the concentration is not there (unlike her boyfriend's cock), she will prefer to try anal dilation and get fucked like a female dog. Our good brunette with a small ass will discover the joys of brutal fucking right after…