A real slut looking for a fuck partner
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A real slut looking for a fuck partner

I'm a real slut looking for a fuck partner while my darling is away. Both libertines, we appreciate that everyone has fun on their own when we are unfortunately separated... Threesome possible in the future if there are affinities but not the purpose of my research here for the moment. I look for…

11 reasons your partner doesn't want to have sex that isn't about you
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11 reasons your partner doesn't want to have sex that isn't about you

Lorsque vous bougez mais que votre partenaire ne veut pas avoir de relations sexuelles, quelle est la première chose que vous pensez? Probablement qu’ils ne sont plus en toi, non? C’est une réaction immédiate très courante que beaucoup de gens ont lorsqu’ils font des ouvertures sexuelles et se font refuser. Personnellement, je sais que j’ai…