Remember, children. Only assholes share other people's sandwiches… and their nude photos.

The following video using a sandwich as an analogy for leaking someone else's nude photos has gone super viral on TikTok, with more than 5 million views:

In the video, 17-year-old Meg Groff plays two different characters. One asks the other for a bite of his sandwich and is graciously given a bite. However, once the person has taken the bite, they offer it to other people without asking who owns the sandwich.

The person who bit down says, "You were okay with me biting, so why can't they bite?" To which the owner of the sandwich replies: "Because I don't know them and I haven't given them permission." The other person said, "But you gave me the sandwich, so I should be able to do whatever I want with it." Again, the owner of the sandwich defends herself by saying, "Well, yeah, but when I handed you the sandwich I felt like you were getting a bite, not this stranger." The sandwich thief then said, "OK, well, if you didn't want the others to eat, then you shouldn't have given me the sandwich."

The analogy perfectly explains why leaking someone else's nude photos is bad in the most basic way - for those who yet do not understand.

BuzzFeed spoke to Meg, who said the problem of vengeful pornography plagues her generation. “I've noticed that when this happens, we spend more time shaming the victim for sending the images in the first place than holding the recipient accountable for sharing something that was not theirs. It's all about consent and confidentiality, "she said, adding," To put it plainly, I'm sick of people's bodies being used against them. "

Meg randomly came up with the sandwich analogy one day as she drove home from Starbucks. “I find that making a big topic - like consent - easy to discuss, using everyday objects and situations makes it easier to grasp,” she said.

“I believe that people of all genders and backgrounds should have the right to express their sexuality without fear of being victimized because of someone else's fundamental disrespect for their boundaries. This question of blaming the victim goes far beyond questions of pornographic revenge, yet people still can't figure out why it's wrong. We spend more time teaching people not to be victims than teaching them why it is wrong to be the perpetrator, ”said Meg.


Maybe they will understand this one

original sound - Meg💫

She added: “My video was shown from the point of view of a woman victim of an incident like this simply because I noticed a model of women in particular ashamed of speaking out as sexual beings. But, the biggest message I'm trying to send is applicable to all genres. Pornographic revenge or the use of someone else's body against them is never acceptable. " 

Finally, Meg said she had a message to send to parents: “Start spending less time teaching your children how not to be victims and instead direct that energy towards explaining to them why it is wrong to be there. 'author. The world is a scary place full of horrible people, but it's important to remember that your children are laying the groundwork for the safety of future generations. "

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