How to Find and Hide Your NSFW Photos in iOS

IOS: If you've ever taken an R-rated photo on your phone, chances are you know it exists somewhere in your photo library. I tend to forget, but I know I will remember. I mean, there's the setup process (lighting is important!), the fact that you have to undress at least partially, the multitude of photos you'll take before you choose the perfect photo, the knowing that you are probably sending this. to someone (and might regret it later), etc.

Simply put, it's hard to forget that you took a nude selfie. A nelfie? A thirst trap? Whatever you call it, it's there, buried in your photo library for anyone with access to your device to discover, accidentally or not. This is why I find the premise of organization so interesting: it's an app that promises to help you find questionable (NSFW) material on your device and, if necessary, isolate it in a password-protected gallery.

When you start Orga, you'll see a large splash screen that tells you the purpose of the app: to scan your photos to help you identify what's in them (especially NSFW items). You will then be asked to set a password (standard stuff) and you will eventually arrive at a page with a handy message "Is my data safe?" link in the upper right corner. You'll want to tap on it and read the FAQ carefully, but I've also included a screenshot below that shows how Orga answers the most burning question you probably have:

Life pirate image

Credit: David Murphy – Orga

You should be wary of any type of app that promises to do something with your photos, especially if the app's main purpose is to help you "find" and organize your at-risk photos. I don't speak for Orga and have no special knowledge of how the app works under the hood, but it's at least reassuring to know that Orga does work entirely offline.

In iOS, there is no way to prevent the app from accessing the internet via wifi or your cellular connection (unfortunately). However, you can still create a shortcut to enable airplane mode and then launch the application. This might sound boring, but I suspect Orga is the kind of app you'll use rarely, rather than every day. (And don't forget to force close the app when you're done, if you're feeling nervous, and turn off airplane mode.)

Once you've made your choice to use the app, you press the big "Scan Photo" button to do just that. You'll leave the app open while it glances through your photo library, and it will take note of different elements of your photos (including things like text and things that appear to be nudes).

Life pirate image

Not porn.
Credit: David Murphy

Once finished, you can then search your photo library for anything you want. Although I found this feature more complicated (and less precise) than, say, Google Photos, the app does a decent job of finding and displaying whatever you're looking for. When you search for “nudity,” in particular, you even get a little slider bar that you can use to adjust the sensitivity of the app.

Life pirate image

I guess it's, uh, nudity. I'm pretty sure I was wearing shorts at the time, but there you go.
Credit: David Murphy

I was surprised, but not that surprised, that I didn't have anything scandalous on my device. (I don't remember taking nudes since I got my iPhone, because my life is boring and aimless.) That said, I've definitely taken photos of myself topless when I've been on vacation. in the Caribbean, so I adjusted the slider to see if that would reveal anything.

Life pirate image

Credit: David Murphy

Well, there is at least one photo from my vacation. Also, me with a wig in a theater show I was in, my still skinned knee and... my PC's dust filter. I'm not sure how this can be considered "nudity".

Since I'm (apparently) so boring, I decided to save a bunch of photos of everyone's favorite shirtless superhero, Jason Momoa, on my iPhone and scan my library again using Orga. No dice; the app found none using a “nudity” search. Is shirtless the new never naked?

I then said “to hell with it” and threw a bunch of porn on my phone. I (obviously) won't post this screenshot of the "nudity" search results, but the app did a convincing job of displaying the racy images. He didn't find most of them on his default sensitivity though; I had to rewind a bit to get most of the porn to appear.

Orga's search mechanic is a useful guide, but not the most accurate. However, the other key feature of the application: its Photo Vault– is certainly useful. Pull it up (via your PIN or Touch ID/Face ID, which you can enable in the app's settings), and you'll be able to pull photos from your iOS Photo Library and store them in your protected vault . Although you'll lose the benefit of syncing those photos to your iCloud, a problem easily solved by first using another app like Google Photos to back up those photos, you'll be able to give yourself secondary protection against anyone who might do this. be able to access your device.

For example, if a friend knows your iPhone's PIN, they'll be able to access your device and search for whatever they want, but they still won't be able to see your collection of Orga-protected NSFW selfies unless they knew your secondary PIN (or had your finger or face within reach). Obviously your friend wouldn't need to be a super-spy to figure out that he can also find your rooms in Google Photos, if you took my advice and used it to back up your NSFW photos first, but you Maybe you can bury them. this app in a miscellaneous folder somewhere. (Maybe they're not smart enough to realize Google Photos exists.)

This all seems a bit exaggerated, of course, but you can never be too careful with your private photos. Although Orga may not be one of the best tools for us them, it is strong enough to safeguard and secure them.

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